Combining technology and research to make birding more rewarding.

Welcome to Birding in Vermont! This site is dedicated to helping birders by providing tools and resources on how to bird, better.

Note: This site is not optimized for usage on a phone. Try it on your computer.

  • Vermont Towns: Upload your eBird data to see what towns you've birded in, and what birds you have or haven't seen there. As well, you can look at what birds you've seen in Vermont's biophysical regions.
  • Nocturnal Flight Calls (NFCs): We're building a database of pages about specific species of birds identifiable by their nocturnal calls that they give in migration. Our goal here is to be a definitive resource for helping NFC enthusiasts learn more about how to identify birds and approach NFC research.
  • Subspecies: Vermont has over a hundred birds which are identifiable down to a specific subspecies. Identifying down to the subspecies level takes work, knowledge, and patience. We're making that easier by providing easy guides to learn how to look at birds closer.
  • VBRC Checker: The Vermont Bird Record Committee has a list of birds which they want records for, each year, so that they know what birds are in the state. This tool checks your eBird data for any observations which you should report to VBRC, so you don't have to struggle to find all of your observations.

More pages - specifically in the NFC and Subspecies sections - are in the works or on the way. And there are more tools we want to develop!

This site is very much a work in progress. If you have any thoughts, comments, suggestions, or if you saw a cool bird and want to tell someone, get in touch! For now, all of this work is done by Richard Littauer, in combination with help from dozens of other birders.

Get in touch by emailing Alternatively, swing by Montpelier, and let's go birding.

There are other sites which are worth checking out, most notably, which has information on hotspots in Vermont.

We also have a nascent mailing list.


  • June 24, 2022: Updated 251 project with data from eBird that hadn't been previously shared.